Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024
LiDAR scanner iPhone 12 ProImage Source:News Landed

Just a month away from the iPhone 12 launch, the Pro version is reportedly coming out with a premium feature.

LiDAR tech is a technology that is used to measure distances by illuminating the target with laser light and by measuring the reflection with a sensor. Its full form is light detection and ranging.

This feature has never been used in any mobile device. It is highly used in the automotive industry. But with the progressive developments in AR, this technique will significantly improve the AR experience.

This isn’t a confirm news for now but these are some strong reports. The iPhone 12 will surely not have it. iPhone 12 Pro is supposed to have this tech in it as it is a premium feature.

LiDAR Scanner
Image Source:NoteBook Check

If the iPhone 12 Pro comes with LiDAR, it will be eventual that Android manufacturers like Samsung and One Plus will want to offer this feature to users at a lesser price than iPhone 12 Pro which will surely be very high priced.

At the start, a phone with LiDAR will surely be high in price but let’s see if, with time, phones in the mid-range pricing would come with it or not.

By Iyush

Just writing and vibin

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