Sat. May 4th, 2024
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Xbox Series X

Microsoft Flight Simulator now has Xbox Series X. Yes, you read that right. Surprisingly, not the other way around, no it’s the new Xbox in the new MFS. It’s unknown when Xbox Series X will get the new MFS. So one player decided to take matters into their own hands. The game got a lot of praise upon its launch for its beautiful sceneries and real world mapping.

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Clouds Rainbow×1400/filters:format(jpeg)/

Reddit User Oh_Gaz modelled a Xbox Series X into Microsoft Flight Simulator on PC. It replaces the Microsoft HQ in Redmont, Washington. Now, a 200m tall Xbox towers over the tech giant HQ campus. While it’s not currently available for the public to play, you can still view the amazing sky-shot from the streamable link the user has shared.

The Xbox in the game has been perfectly modelled, the green light gleaming through the top. Also, right down to the bottom of the console with its ports on the backside. Maybe, Microsoft Flight Simulator on the real console itself would still need some optimizations. But it’s unlikely the one from Oh_Gaz would. Oh how will PlayStation ever catch up?

That was obviously just a saying. PlayStation with its bunch of exclusives can be the better console to start with later this year.  If the console comes to Microsoft Flight Simulator publicly, I’ll let you guys know. Just keep an eye out on The Indian Wire gaming section.

By Ankan Das

Works on tea, makes video-games, and pursues computer science.