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Good Debt vs Bad Debt: An Explainer on Good Debt



With Christmas festivities over and the new year celebrations looming over the horizon, you might have already started writing down your resolutions. Now, the astute amongst you may be eyeing not just gymming or dieting but financial wellness as well. The outgoing year was without a doubt one of the harhest yet, however this article may help you take a more informed decision when it comes to a very important aspect of financial wellness. Debt Management. So, lets get on with it by understanding and discerning the difference between good debt and bad debt.

Some might argue that no debt is good debt, that however is an archaic thought process which doesn’t square with the way modern economies are structured. In a credit reliant economy the only way most people can afford basic essentials such as a car or a house is by means of taking on debt. However, on the other end of the spectrum one can also accrue debt by carelessly spending on a credit card. So, a deeper dive is necessary to distinguish the two sides of debt.

Good Debt 

It takes money to make money

One can look at this from an obvious pessimistic point of view, however such thinking would have mattered in the pre-credit way of economy. Currently individuals take on debt to help generate income and increase one’s purchasing power and positively affect one’s net worth. Here are some examples of good debt-

These however are only some of the ways in which one can use debt to their advantage and advance their capital appreciations.

We hope you took away an important lesson from this discourse, our detailed explainer on bad debt will be up soon!


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